
(1) On or after July 1, 2021, public funds of this state, or any political subdivision of this state, shall not be allocated to the implementation, regulation, or enforcement of any federal law, executive order, rule, or regulation regulating the ownership, use, sale, or possession of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories, if the expenditure of public funds would result in the violation of another Tennessee statute, Tennessee common law, or the Constitution of Tennessee.
(2) On or after July 1, 2021, personnel or property of this state, or any political subdivision of this state, shall not be allocated to the implementation, regulation, or enforcement of any federal law, executive order, rule, or regulation regulating the ownership, use, sale, or possession of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories, if the expenditure of public funds would result in the violation of another Tennessee statute, Tennessee common law, or the Constitution of Tennessee.

(1) On or after July 1, 2021, personnel or property of this state, or any political subdivision of this state, shall not be allocated to the implementation, regulation, or enforcement of any international law or treaty regulating the ownership, use, sale, or possession of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories, if the expenditure of public funds would result in the violation of another Tennessee statute, Tennessee common law, or the Constitution of Tennessee.
(2) On or after July 1, 2021, public funds of this state, or any political subdivision of this state, shall not be allocated to the implementation, regulation, or enforcement of any international law or treaty regulating the ownership, use, sale, or possession of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories, if the expenditure of public funds would result in the violation of another Tennessee statute, Tennessee common law, or the Constitution of Tennessee.
(c) For purposes of this section, “firearm” has the same meaning as defined in § 39-11-106.
(d) A violation of this section by a state or local government entity may be reviewed by the office of the attorney general and reporter and the general assembly and may result in the entity’s loss of funding from the state for the fiscal year following the violation.
(e) An official who violates this section is subject to ouster under title 8, chapter 47, if applicable.