1. No person who transfers funds from:

(1) His or her candidate committee; or

Terms Used In Missouri Laws 130.097

  • candidate: includes an elected officeholder who is the subject of a recall election, an individual who seeks nomination by the individual's political party for election to public office, an individual standing for retention in an election to an office to which the individual was previously appointed, an individual who seeks nomination or election whether or not the specific elective public office to be sought has been finally determined by such individual at the time the individual meets the conditions described in paragraph (a) or (b) of this subdivision, and an individual who is a write-in candidate as defined in subdivision (28) of this section. See Missouri Laws 130.011
  • Candidate committee: a committee which shall be formed by a candidate to receive contributions or make expenditures in behalf of the person's candidacy and which shall continue in existence for use by an elected candidate or which shall terminate the later of either thirty days after the general election for a candidate who was not elected or upon the satisfaction of all committee debt after the election, except that no committee retiring debt shall engage in any other activities in support of the candidate for which the committee was formed. See Missouri Laws 130.011
  • committee: includes , but is not limited to, each of the following committees: campaign committee, candidate committee, continuing committee and political party committee. See Missouri Laws 130.011
  • Continuing committee: includes , but is not limited to, any committee organized or sponsored by a business entity, a labor organization, a professional association, a trade or business association, a club or other organization and whose primary purpose is to solicit, accept and use contributions from the members, employees or stockholders of such entity and any individual or group of individuals who accept and use contributions to influence or attempt to influence the action of voters. See Missouri Laws 130.011
  • Person: an individual, group of individuals, corporation, partnership, committee, proprietorship, joint venture, any department, agency, board, institution or other entity of the state or any of its political subdivisions, union, labor organization, trade or professional or business association, association, political party or any executive committee thereof, or any other club or organization however constituted or any officer or employee of such entity acting in the person's official capacity. See Missouri Laws 130.011

(2) Any committee over which such person exerts control over the expenditures of such committee



to any other committee shall thereafter be compensated, for any purpose, by the committee that received such funds.

2. No person who registers as a lobbyist, as defined under section 105.470, shall transfer funds from any candidate committee, exploratory committee, debt service committee, or continuing committee under his or her control to any such committee controlled by a candidate or public official, as defined under section 105.470.