§ 801.101 United States prisoners; duty of sheriff to take and keep; compensation
§ 801.102 United States prisoners; liability of sheriff for safe keeping
§ 801.103 Separation of prisoners; prisoners arrested on civil process and criminal process
§ 801.104 Separation of prisoners; male and female
§ 801.105 Violation of MCL 801.103 and MCL 801.104 as misdemeanor; liability for damages
§ 801.106 Continuation of jails in use
§ 801.107 Designation of jail of other county; officer to act
§ 801.108 Designation of jail of other county; copy of designation, service on sheriff
§ 801.109 Designation of jail of other county; responsibility of sheriff for safe keeping of prisoners
§ 801.110 Designation of jail of other county; effect on prisoner admitted to jail liberties
§ 801.111 Designation of jail of other county; effect on subsequent prisoner entitled to jail liberties
§ 801.112 Designation of jail of other county; right of prisoner entitled to jail liberties
§ 801.113 Designation of jail of other county; revocation of order
§ 801.114 Designation of jail of other county; proceedings on revocation
§ 801.115 Fire; removal of prisoners; prisoner not deemed escaped
§ 801.119 Conveyance of prisoners through other counties; right of officers
§ 801.120 Conveyance of prisoners through other counties; prisoner not deemed escaped; civil arrest