§ 229.11 First class city museums
§ 229.12 Board of trustees, composition
§ 229.13 Board of trustees; annual meeting and general functions
§ 229.14 Director and employees; curators
§ 229.15 Museum funds; expenditures
§ 229.16 Donations and miscellaneous receipts
§ 229.17 Site, buildings and equipment
§ 229.18 Accountability; reports
§ 229.19 Applicability of sections 229.11 to 229.18
§ 229.21 First class city auditoriums and music halls
§ 229.22 Auditorium board
§ 229.23 Property and finance
§ 229.24 Operation
§ 229.25 Annual report
§ 229.26 Exposition center
§ 229.27 Municipal theater