The boundary lines of Gadsden County are as follows: Beginning at a point in the thread of the Apalachicola River where said river is intersected by the boundary line between the States of Georgia and Florida; thence east on said boundary line to the thread of the Ochlockonee River; thence southerly along the thread of the said Ochlockonee River to a point where the north boundary line of section sixteen, township one south, range four west, intersects said thread of said river; thence due west to the western bank of said river; thence southerly along the western bank of said river to a point where same is intersected by the north line of section twenty, township one south, range four west; thence west to the northwest corner of section nineteen, township one south, range four west; thence north to the southeast corner of section one, township one south, range five west; thence west to the southwest corner of section two, township one south, range five west; thence north to the southeast corner of section twenty-two, township one north, range five west; thence west to the range line between ranges five and six west; thence north on said range line to the southeast corner of township two north, range six west; thence west to the southwest corner of section thirty-five, township two north, range six west; thence north to the northwest corner of said section thirty-five; thence west to the range line between ranges six and seven west; thence north, to the northwest corner of township two north, range six west; thence west to the thread of the Apalachicola River; thence north, following the thread of said river, to the place of beginning.

s. 1, June 24, 1823; s. 4, Dec. 29, 1824; s. 6, Nov. 23,