(1) The probable cause panel by majority vote shall determine whether probable cause exists to believe that a licensee has violated the provisions of Chapter 456 or 466, F.S., or the rules of the Department or Board.

Terms Used In Florida Regulations 64B5-13.001

  • Probable cause: A reasonable ground for belief that the offender violated a specific law.
  • Quorum: The number of legislators that must be present to do business.
    (2) The probable cause panel shall be appointed by the Chairman and shall be composed of three members, two of which must be dentists who hold valid and active dental licenses in this State. At least two members of the probable cause panel must be present to constitute a quorum. If only two members are present, the determination of probable cause shall require the affirmative vote of both members present.
    (a) One or two members may be former dentist or consumer Board members.
    (b) At least one member must be a current Board member who holds a valid and active license in this State.
    (c) At least one member must be a current or former consumer member of the Board if one is available and willing to serve.
    (d) When an investigation report of a dental hygienist or a dental radiographer will be considered by the panel, for those investigation reports only, at least one member must be a current or former dental hygienist member of the Board if one is available and willing to serve.
    (e) Any former dentist member of the Board appointed to the panel must currently hold a valid and active dental license in this State.
    (f) Probable cause panel members shall serve for one year terms but may serve successive terms.
    (3) The probable cause panel shall meet as necessary to conduct business as determined by the Chairman of the Board or the Chairman of the panel.
Rulemaking Authority Florida Statutes § 456.073(4), 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.073(4) FS. History-New 11-11-79, Amended 12-7-81, 7-13-82, Formerly 21G-13.01, Amended 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-13.001, Amended 11-22-93, Formerly 61F5-13.001, 59Q-13.001, Amended 9-27-01, 2-27-18.