(1) An Applicant shall be determined ineligible for the General Program if the Applicant:
    (a) Is determined eligible for the state vocational rehabilitations program funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;
    (b) Does not require Services to achieve Reintegration into the Community;
    (c) Is below Rancho 4 or otherwise is not reasonably expected to achieve Reintegration into the Community through Services, or
    (d) Is otherwise categorically ineligible under the statutory criteria.
    (2) An Eligible Individual’s case shall be closed if the Eligible Individual is:
    (a) Determined eligible for the state vocational rehabilitations program funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;
    (b) At an Appropriate Level of Functioning in the Community, or
    (c) Not reasonably expected to return to an Appropriate Level of Functioning in the Community through Services.
    (3) Prior closure does not prevent an individual from becoming an Applicant.
    (4) Applicants previously closed under paragraph (2)(b), for not more than twelve months prior to again becoming an Applicant shall be:
    (a) Presumed to satisfy Sections 381.76(1)(a)-(d), F.S.; and,
    (b) Presumed to satisfy Section 381.76(1)(e), F.S., if the specific required Services:
    1. Are needed to achieve an Appropriate Level of Functioning in the Community,
    2. Were not provided previously; and,
    3. Are not available or in sufficient supply from any other resource.
Rulemaking Authority 381.0011 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 381.76. History-New 10-31-05, Amended 1-23-11.