§ 157.01 Public ditch, drain or canal
§ 157.02 Action on petition by county commissioners
§ 157.03 Commissioners to appoint committee; report of plans and estimate; letting contract; right-of-way for drains
§ 157.04 Bond required before letting contract
§ 157.05 Work done under supervision of committee; when completed, report to commissioners; payments
§ 157.06 Committee to view land before letting contract; assessment; hearing complaints; collection of tax
§ 157.07 Where cost of construction exceeds estimated cost commissioners to assess difference
§ 157.08 Assessments; validation
§ 157.09 Compensation of committee
§ 157.10 Application to lateral ditches
§ 157.11 Lateral drains may be established; commissioners may enlarge district or widen any drain; cost; proviso
§ 157.12 Duty of bond trustees to borrow money to pay interest on bonds until collection of first assessment; may issue notes; notes and bonds lien against lands; committee may issue notes
§ 157.13 Use of surplus of bond proceeds
§ 157.14 Owner may pay whole tax in one sum; county commissioners may make new assessments where former assessments found illegal; time in which assessments may be questioned in collateral proceedings
§ 157.15 County commissioners may issue bonds to pay scrip; decrease of assessment
§ 157.16 Enlarging drains and assessing cost
§ 157.17 Assessment to maintain drains
§ 157.18 Awarding contract for enlarging or repairing drains
§ 157.19 Where actual cost exceeds estimated cost; additional work; assessment for same
§ 157.20 Appointment of committee to view work and make assessments; report to commissioners; form of assessment
§ 157.21 Enlargement of drains; appointment of committee; report to commissioners; letting contract; contractor’s bond; payments; assessment
§ 157.22 Repairing drains; appointment of committee; report to commissioners; contract; bond; assessment
§ 157.23 Objections to report of committee fixing assessments; notice; hearing; equalization; assessments; collection by tax collector
§ 157.24 Commissioners may issue interest-bearing scrip against land to borrow money or pay for work; lien on land assessed
§ 157.25 Compensation of committee; irregular assessment corrected
§ 157.26 Repair and maintenance of drains under supervision of county commissioners
§ 157.27 Proceedings for making repair to drains, etc
§ 157.28 Awarding contracts for repair; approval
§ 157.29 Levy of tax for maintaining and repairing drains; assessment and collection of tax; sale of land for unpaid taxes
§ 157.30 Reassessment of lands where attempt to establish ditch or canal irregular
§ 157.31 Notice of reassessment for drainage
§ 157.32 Reviewing complaints and making assessment against property benefited
§ 157.33 Issuance of scrip to take up former scrip or bonds
§ 157.34 Reassessments to have effect as original assessment
§ 157.35 Assessments conclusive after lapse of 6 months
§ 157.36 Adjustment of drainage tax liens