• including: means includes or including by way of illustration and not by way of limitation. See
  • state: means :

    (1) a state, possession, territory, or commonwealth of the United States; or

    (2) the District of Columbia. See
(a) In addition to any powers set forth elsewhere, the Secretary may:

(1) adopt regulations to carry out this title;

(2) use any member of the Department of State Police, as necessary, to carry out and enforce this title; and

(3) make inquiries and conduct an investigation regarding any applicant:

(i) for a license; or

(ii) for employment with a licensee as a security guard.

(b) In addition to any duties set forth elsewhere, the Secretary shall:

(1) adopt regulations that set standards for the certification of employees of security guard agencies as security guards;

(2) keep a roster of the individuals certified as security guards under this title, including on the roster:

(i) the names of individuals certified;

(ii) the name of the licensed security guard agency with or by which each individual is associated or employed; and

(iii) any other information that the Secretary considers appropriate; and

(3) adopt by regulation a schedule of fines for violations of this title that may be assessed by the Secretary under §§ 19-313 and 19-408 of this title.