Terms Used In Missouri Laws 115.397

  • Ballot: the paper ballot, or ballot designed for use with an electronic voting system on which each voter may cast all votes to which he or she is entitled at an election. See Missouri Laws 115.013
  • District: an area within the state or within a political subdivision of the state from which a person is elected to represent the area on a policy-making body with representatives of other areas in the state or political subdivision. See Missouri Laws 115.013
  • Nonpartisan: a candidate who is not a candidate of any political party and who is running for an office for which party candidates may not run. See Missouri Laws 115.013
  • Political party: any established political party and any new party. See Missouri Laws 115.013
  • Political subdivision: a county, city, town, village, or township of a township organization county. See Missouri Laws 115.013
  • voter: is used in the laws of this state it shall mean registered voter, or legal voter. See Missouri Laws 1.035

In each primary election, each voter shall be entitled to receive the ballot of one and only one political party, designated by the voter before receiving his ballot. Each voter who participates in a party primary shall be entitled to vote on all questions and for any nonpartisan candidates submitted by political subdivisions and special districts at the primary election. Each voter who does not wish to participate in a party primary may vote on all questions and for any nonpartisan candidates submitted by a political subdivision or special district at the primary election.