1. If, upon the filing of a petition for the adjudication of incapacity or disability it appears that the respondent, by reason of a mental disorder or intellectual disability or developmental disability, presents a likelihood of serious physical harm to the respondent or others, the respondent may be detained in accordance with the provisions of chapter 632 if suffering from a mental disorder, or chapter 633 if the respondent has an intellectual or developmental disability, pending a hearing on the petition for adjudication.

2. As used in this section, the terms “mental disorder” and “intellectual disability” or “developmental disability” shall be as defined in chapter 630 and the term “likelihood of serious physical harm to the respondent or others” shall be as the term “likelihood of serious harm” is defined in chapter 632.

3. The procedure for obtaining an order of temporary emergency detention shall be as prescribed by chapter 632, relating to prehearing detention of mentally disordered persons.