All state agencies shall control travel expenses by doing all of the following:

Terms Used In Ohio Code 126.503

(A) Complying with any travel directives issued by the director of budget and management;

(B) Using, when possible, the online travel authorization and expense reimbursement process;

(C) Conducting meetings, whenever possible and in compliance with section 121.22 of the Revised Code, using conference calls, teleconferences, webinars, or other technology tools;

(D) Using fleet vehicles for official state travel whenever possible; and

(E) Following restrictions set by the department of administrative services regarding mileage reimbursement pursuant to section 125.832 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the methods of travel expense control listed above, a state agency may use a state-contracted rental vehicle provider for employee vehicle travel exceeding one hundred miles.

The director of budget and management shall not reimburse any state agency employee for unauthorized travel expenses.