A. If contact information has been obtained by a reseller from any source, including a lead dealer, the reseller and lead dealer shall maintain the following records for a period of five years from the last date of contact between the reseller and the owner:

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Terms Used In Virginia Code 55.1-2245

  • Contact information: means any information that can be used to contact an owner, including the owner's name, address, telephone number, email address, or user identity on any electronic networking service. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200
  • Exchange program: means any opportunity or procedure for the assignment or exchange of time-shares among owners in other time-share programs as evidenced by a past or present written agreement executed between an exchange company and the developer or the time-share estate association; however, an "exchange program" shall not be either an incidental benefit or an opportunity or procedure by which a time-share owner can exchange his time-share for another time-share within either the same time-share project or another time-share project owned in part by the developer. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200
  • Lead dealer: means a person that sells or otherwise provides to any other person contact information concerning five or more owners to be used for a resale service. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200
  • owner: means a person that is an owner or co-owner of a time-share other than as security for an obligation. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200
  • Person: means one or more natural persons, corporations, partnerships, associations, trustees of a trust, limited liability companies, or other entities, or any combination thereof, capable of holding title to real property. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200
  • Resale service: means engaging, directly or indirectly, for compensation, in any of the following either in person or by any medium of communication: (i) selling or offering to sell or list for sale for the owner a resale time-share, (ii) buying or offering to buy a resale time-share for transfer to a subsequent purchaser, (iii) transferring a resale time-share acquired from an owner to a subsequent purchaser or offering to assist in such transfer, (iv) invalidating or offering to invalidate for an owner the title of a resale time-share, or (v) advertising or soliciting to advertise or promote the transfer or invalidation of a resale time-share. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200
  • Reseller: means any person who, directly or indirectly, engages in a resale service. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200
  • Time-share: means either a time-share estate or a time-share use plus its incidental benefits. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200
  • Transfer: means a voluntary conveyance of a resale time-share to a person other than the developer, association, or managing entity of the time-share program of which the resale time-share is a part or to a person taking ownership by gift, foreclosure, or deed in lieu of foreclosure. See Virginia Code 55.1-2200

1. The name; home address; work address, if different; telephone number; email address, if any; and a copy of a current government-issued photographic identification (e.g., driver’s license, passport, or military identification card) of the lead dealer who provided the contact information;

2. The date, time, and place of the transaction at which the contact information was obtained, along with the amount of consideration paid and a signed receipt from the lead dealer or copy of a canceled check; and

3. A copy of the contact information obtained in the exact form and media in which received.

B. A reseller shall maintain records for at least five years after each transaction involving resale service including resale transfer agreements and resale purchase agreements.

C. In any civil or criminal action based on a violation of this section, there shall be a presumption that contact information was wrongfully obtained if a reseller or lead dealer fails to produce the records required by this section.

D. Any person who establishes that a reseller or lead dealer wrongfully obtained or wrongfully used contact information with respect to time-share owners or members of an exchange program shall, in addition to any other remedies that may be available in law or equity, be entitled to recover from such reseller or lead dealer an amount equal to $1,000 for each time-share owner or member about whom contact information was wrongfully obtained or used. The prevailing person in any such action shall also be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and costs.

2012, c. 751, § 55-394.4; 2019, c. 712.