
169.09 Hunting of captive wild animals.


(b) This subsection does not apply to any of the following:


(1m) Possession of weapon while hunting. Notwithstanding any authorization for hunting under this section, no person may do any of the following:


(a) Shoot or shoot at any wild animal that is or has been captive while hunting unless the person is in physical possession of the weapon.


(2) Requirement; commercial hunting.


1. A bird hunting preserve license.


2. Membership fees paid to join a dog club.


(1) Requirement; generally. No person may hunt a captive wild animal except as authorized under a bird hunting preserve license, a bird dog training license, a hound dog training license, a dog club training license, a bird dog trial license, or a hound dog trial license.


(b) Provide or operate, or offer to provide or operate, a facility that allows a person the opportunity to hunt any wild animal that is or has been captive if the person who is hunting is in violation of par. (a).


(a) No person may sell or offer to sell or purchase or offer to purchase the opportunity to hunt any wild animal that is or has been captive except as authorized under one of the following:


2. A dog training license, if the hunting does not involve the release of a captive wild animal into the wild and does not include shooting, shooting at, intentional killing, or attempting to kill any wild animal.


1. Fees paid to enter into an organized competitive field trial event involving sporting dog breeds that is sanctioned, licensed, or recognized by a local, state, regional, or national dog organization and authorized under a valid bird dog trial license or hound dog trial license.