(1) Within six (6) months after his admission and at such intervals thereafter as it may determine, the board shall secure all pertinent available information regarding each prisoner, including the circumstances of his offense, his previous social history and criminal record, his conduct, employment and attitude in prison, and reports of such physical and mental examinations as have been made to assist the board in prescribing treatment for such person while in confinement and to assist the commission in its deliberations. The board and the commission shall attempt to inform themselves as to such inmate as a personality and may seek from the sentencing judge, prosecuting attorney, defense counsel and law enforcement authorities such information of which they may be possessed relative to the convicted person and the crime for which he was committed. An electronic recording or transcript of the comments and arguments required to be recorded by section 19-2515, Idaho Code, shall be submitted to the board, made available to the commission, and shall be considered by the commission in making a parole or commutation decision with respect to the prisoner.
(2)  The board of correction shall use a validated risk assessment to determine, for each prisoner, the risk of reoffense and suitability for release. For purposes of this subsection, "validated risk assessment" means an actuarial tool that has been validated in Idaho to determine the likelihood of the prisoner engaging in future criminal behavior. The board shall select a research-based risk assessment and shall validate the accuracy of the risk assessment at least every five (5) years in consultation with the commission. Assessments shall be performed by department staff who are trained and certified in the use of the risk assessment. The commission shall promulgate rules in compliance with chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, to ensure that risk assessment is used in determining parole, the benefit of holding a prisoner in prison to complete programming versus releasing the prisoner on parole to complete programming in the community and in setting conditions for parole supervision.