1. The commissioner or the commissioner’s designee may use funds appropriated or otherwise available to the department for the following purposes:

 a. Administrative services for the identification, assessment, and cleanup of clandestine laboratory sites.
 b. Payments to other government agencies or private contractors for services consistent with the management and cleanup of a clandestine laboratory site.
 c. Emergency response activities involving clandestine laboratory sites, including surveillance, entry, security, cleanup, and disposal.

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Terms Used In Iowa Code 124C.2

  • Clandestine laboratory site: means a location or operation, including but not limited to buildings or vehicles equipped with glassware, heating devices, and precursors or related reagents and solvents needed to unlawfully prepare or manufacture controlled substances defined in chapter 124. See Iowa Code 124C.1
  • Cleanup: means actions necessary to contain, collect, control, identify, analyze, disassemble, treat, remove, or otherwise disperse all substances and materials, including but not limited to those found to be hazardous waste as defined in section 455B. See Iowa Code 124C.1
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of public safety. See Iowa Code 124C.1
  • Department: means the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing. See Iowa Code 154A.1
  • Department: means the department of public safety. See Iowa Code 124C.1
  • following: when used by way of reference to a chapter or other part of a statute mean the next preceding or next following chapter or other part. See Iowa Code 4.1
  • Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
  • Person: means a natural person. See Iowa Code 154A.1
  • State: means a state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. See Iowa Code 152E.3
 2. The commissioner may request the assistance of other state, federal, and local agencies as necessary.
 3. The commissioner shall proceed, pursuant to this section, to collect all costs incurred in cleanup of a clandestine laboratory site from the person having control over a clandestine laboratory site.
 4. The commissioner shall make all reasonable efforts to recover the full amount of moneys expended, through litigation or otherwise. Moneys recovered shall be deposited with the treasurer of state and credited to the department of public safety.