Such corporation shall have power to acquire and hold in fee, or for a term of years, so much land as may be necessary for their burying ground: Provided, That no land thus held shall be in any way encumbered by such corporation: And provided further, That the purchase price thereof, and interest thereon, or the rent reserved therefor, and the costs of fencing, improving and platting the same, shall be paid out of the funds first realized from the sale of rights of burial: And provided, further, That any lease of land to such corporations, shall contain a covenant on the part of the lessor, that the land thus leased shall never be used by him, his heirs or assigns, for any other than burial purposes, and that all rights of burial acquired under such corporation, shall remain unimpaired, although such lease may expire, or such corporation may forfeit the rights acquired under such lease, by reason of non-compliance with the conditions thereof.