It shall be unlawful (a) in or in connection with any transaction or shipment in commerce made after August 1, 1923, or (b) in any publication of a price or quotation determined in or in connection with any transaction or shipment in commerce after August 1, 1923, or (c) in any classification for the purposes of or in connection with a transaction or shipment in commerce after August 1, 1923, for any person to indicate for any cotton a grade or other class which is of or within the official cotton standards of the United States then in effect under this chapter by a name, description, or designation, or any system of names, description, or designation not used in said standards: Provided, That nothing herein shall prevent a transaction otherwise lawful by actual sample or on the basis of a private type which is used in good faith and not in evasion of or substitution for said standards.

Terms Used In 7 USC 52

  • commerce: means commerce between any State or the District of Columbia and any place outside thereof, or between points within the same State or the District of Columbia but through any place outside thereof, or within the District of Columbia. See 7 USC 62
  • cotton: means cotton of any variety produced within the continental United States, including linters. See 7 USC 62
  • person: import s the plural or the singular, as the case demands, and includes an individual, a partnership, a corporation, or two or more persons having a joint or common interest. See 7 USC 62