§ 2525.410 Under what circumstances may an Eligible Individual transfer an education award?
§ 2525.420 For what purposes may a transferred award be used?
§ 2525.430 What steps are necessary to transfer an education award?
§ 2525.440 Is there a limit on the number of recipients an individual may designate to receive a transferred award?
§ 2525.450 Is there a limit on the amount of transferred education awards a Designated Recipient may receive?
§ 2525.460 What is the impact of transferring or receiving a transferred education award on an Eligible Individual’s eligibility to receive additional education awards?
§ 2525.470 Is a Designated Recipient required to accept a transferred education award?
§ 2525.480 Under what circumstances is a transfer revocable?
§ 2525.485 What steps are necessary to revoke a transfer?
§ 2525.487 What happens to a transferred education award upon divorce or death?
§ 2525.490 Is a recipient of a transferred education award eligible for the payment of accrued interest for their own student loans?

Terms Used In CFR > Title 45 > Subtitle B > Chapter XXV > Part 2525 > Subpart F - Transfer of Education Awards

  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.