All pupils shall comply with the regulations adopted by the Board, pursue the required course of study and submit to the authority of the teachers of the schools and other professionals of
the schools.

SOURCE: GC§ 11405. Codified as 17 Guam Code Ann. § 6109. Amended by P.L.
24-142:11 (Feb. 27, 1998). Repealed and reenacted as 17 Guam Code Ann. § 6111 by
P.L. 26-026:3 (July 5, 2001). Repealed and reenacted to this section by
P.L. 26-104:3 (June 11, 2002).

2013 NOTE: This section was originally codified from GC § 11408, entitled “”Liability for Injury to Property.”” Repealed and reenacted as 17
GCA § 6111 by P.L. 26-104:3 (June 11, 2002).