As used in this subdivision:
I. “Acquisition” means to obtain by commissioning an artist to create or by purchasing.
II. “Commissioner” means the commissioner of natural and cultural resources.
III. “Work of art” means any object of historical significance or work of visual art, including, but not limited to, a drawing, painting, mural, fresco, sculpture, mosaic, or photograph, a work of calligraphy, a work of graphic art, including, but not limited to, an etching, lithograph, offset print, silk screen, or a work of graphic art of like nature, crafts, including, but not limited to, crafts in clay, textile, fiber, wood, metal, plastic, glass, and like materials, or mixed media, including, but not limited to, a collage, assemblage, or any combination of the foregoing art media. The term “work of art” does not include environmental landscaping placed about a building.