(1) All licensees of race meets for horses, except those subject to ORS § 462.057, shall make payments as follows:

Terms Used In Oregon Statutes 462.062

  • Commission: means the Oregon Racing Commission. See Oregon Statutes 462.010
  • Gross mutuel wagering: means all mutuel wagering that is made in person:

    (a) At the race course of a race meet licensee;

    (b) At an off-race course mutuel wagering location approved by the commission; or

    (c) Through account wagering authorized under ORS § 462. See Oregon Statutes 462.010

  • Licensee: means a person, partnership, corporation, political subdivision, municipal corporation or any other body holding a license under this chapter. See Oregon Statutes 462.010
  • Mutuel: means a system whereby:

    (a) Wagers with respect to the outcome of a race are placed with a wagering pool in which the participants are not wagering against the operator; and

    (b) The operator distributes to one or more winning participants the total amount in the wagering pool, less amounts deducted by the operator as approved by the commission. See Oregon Statutes 462.010

  • Race: includes races conducted without wagering, provided one or more races in the meet are conducted with wagering. See Oregon Statutes 462.010
  • Race meet: means any exhibition of animal racing where the mutuel system is used in conjunction with any race. See Oregon Statutes 462.010

(a) A license fee of $100 per racing day to the Oregon Racing Commission.

(b) One percent of gross mutuel wagering to the commission.

(c) A percentage of gross mutuel wagering to a purse account, in such amounts as the race meet licensee and the horse owners may agree upon, subject to approval by the commission. In addition to the amount paid to the regular purse account, 0.1 percent of gross mutuel wagering shall be paid into a separate account and used only to supplement purses of races consisting exclusively of Oregon bred horses. However, subject to prior approval of the commission, a portion of the percentage of gross mutuel wagering designated by this paragraph may be paid to one or more associations of horsemen for operating expenses and other benefits for horsemen.

(d) Three-quarters of one percent of gross mutuel wagering on thoroughbred horse races to the Oregon Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association, Incorporated, for purse supplements for owners of Oregon bred thoroughbred horses. The association shall apportion the amount among the owners in the same ratio that each owner’s purses for Oregon bred thoroughbred horses for the race meet bears to the total purses for Oregon bred thoroughbred horses for the race meet.

(e) Three-quarters of one percent of gross mutuel wagering on quarter horse races to the Oregon Quarter Horse Racing Association, Incorporated, for purse supplements for owners of Oregon bred quarter horses. The association shall apportion the amount among the owners in the same ratio that each owner’s purses for Oregon bred quarter horses for the race meet bears to the total purses for Oregon bred quarter horses for the race meet.

(f) Three-quarters of one percent of gross mutuel wagering on races for any breed of horses not designated in paragraph (d) or (e) of this subsection to each horsemen’s association recognized by the commission as representing breeds of horses not designated in paragraph (d) or (e) of this subsection, for purse supplements of owners of other Oregon bred horses. Each association shall apportion the amount among the owners in the same ratio that each owner’s purses for other Oregon bred horses for the race meet bears to the total purses for other Oregon bred horses for the race meet.

(g) Two-tenths of one percent of gross mutuel wagering to a special track fund of the type, and for the uses and purposes, and subject to the conditions set forth in ORS § 462.057 (1)(c)(F).

(2) Subject to prior approval of the commission, each horsemen’s association designated in subsection (1)(d), (e) and (f) of this section may use a portion of the purse supplements for operating expenses and other benefits for horsemen. [1969 c.356 § 7; 1975 c.550 § 3; 1977 c.855 § 3; 1979 c.698 § 2; 1981 c.544 § 5; 1987 c.413 § 19; 1993 c.682 § 2; 2003 c.14 § 295; 2005 c.72 § 1; 2007 c.177 § 4]