(1) The following items and documents shall be served on the employer personally or by any form of mail requiring a return receipt:
(a)  Two (2) conformed copies of the income withholding order, one (1) of which is for the employer, and one (1) for the obligor;
(b)  Four (4) answer forms in substantial compliance with section 32-1210, Idaho Code;
(c)  Three (3) stamped envelopes provided by the obligee and addressed to, respectively, the person or entity designated in the income withholding order, the obligee’s attorney or the obligee, and the obligor.
(2)  On or before the date of service of the income withholding order on the employer, the obligee shall mail or cause to be mailed by certified mail a copy of the income withholding order to the obligor at the obligor’s last known post-office address.